Friday, 10 October 2008


I knew it, the universum is taking care of me. I knew I shouldn´t but anyhow I went to the belly dancing class. The class was there and enough of pupils but no teacher. So I had a leisurely stroll around the campus center, an interesting enough chat on a bench in wonderful and balmy sunshine and finished the tour off with a visist to the Lake to get some more water for my flowers. They are thriving beautifully, thank you. Now I also took care of the stingy nettles. I took my camera with me to take pictures in the beautiful weather but the battery gave up on me and is now loading. And I must now have a rest after all this excitement.

Today I got a notice that workers will come on Monday to “uplift the floor of my appartment”. I have been wondering about this on and off during the afternoon. I could not realy imagine that they would lift my floor up – where would I stay? Should I pack down? How long would this take? Now, sitting and knitting I got a new idea, maybe “uplifting the floor” means to make it shine? It could do with some shine in the bathroom and on the way they could clean the windows, too, I did it as far as my poor little arms would stretch, all the fingerprints from the workers still on it. Same on the outside, where I can´t reach it.


Doug The Una said...

It probably means tacking the floor to the ceiling.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I was wondering.