A week gone by since I last wrote, how quick the time is passing!!
I should be excused, I was really quite sick, a nasty infection of the lungs the doctor called it. Now that I feel so much better I just realize how bad I did feel. Still, there is something in the air which makes my eyes water and my nose run but I got a stronger antihistamin pill and hope that will help.
The weather is very beautiful, if this is the famous ‘English weather’ I could do with it everyday. It´s like a nice summerday in Iceland and it is nice to sit outside in the sunshine on a bench.
I just had my first belly dancing class and it really is fun, now I must exercise the right hipswing! It is very good for my stiff musceles and I like it a lot better than the pilates class I started last Monday.
School is fun. I do learn a lot about how to get ideas down on paper, how to do research and to write an assignment. And I am doing just that, my head full of ideas. Tomorrow I will go on a bustour to see something English, an old cotton mill and a Manor. The university offers it for oversea students. So I hope, I will have a lot of fun. Soon I will put some pictures on the net too.
I know an excellent student you could get advice from. First you'll need several different colors of highlighters, some cleverly cut post-its, a calculator for spelling and a yellow bird. It gets easier from there.
Gott að heyra frá þér. Var farin að hafa áhyggjur. Er það ekki bara rakinn í GB sem fer svona illa í þig. Svo er betra að vera ekkert að tala of mikið um Ísland eins og samband þjóðanna er núna, ansi kalt á milli.
Hæ þetta var ég hérna fyrir ofan en Valdimar Grétar biður að sjálfsögðu að heilsa líka.
Hallo meine Süße!
Ich hoffe, du bist bald wieder richtig wohlauf, so dass du alles um dich herum genießen kannst! Au ja, ich freue mich schon auf neue Fotos! Und trink morgen a nice cup of tea für mich mit! Ich wünsche dir ein tolles Wochenende!
Knutscha K.
I know who THAT ism Dough :9
Takk, Valdimar Grétar! Þap er nú ekki meira raki herna en heima...frekar gróðurinn sem pirrar mig, annars hef ég það frábært núna!
Knutsche K. Ich trinke bier... Bis her noch keinen Tee. Ja, mir geht es wieder gut, bin irrsinnig fleissig :)
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