Sunday, 16 November 2008


This then would be Canadian Geese.

I am so sorry to have left you suspended in air for so long. I had been quite sick and weak for about three weeks but now I am frwsh and fine again. The assignments run rather easily out of my pen and I have but one to go before the holidays. I plan to come home for Christmas and will leave here the 13th of Dec.
Life is easy and comfortable and I have nothing to complain about.
Today, as yesterday, a flokk of canadian geese, about 15 to 20, is happyly devouring the new grass on our lawn. I do think that it is quite good for the grass as it will strengthen their roots, anyhow it is fun to watch them. There are very conscious about their distance to each other and will complain and bite when some other bird comes too near. Watching that I think about our school children, most often piled into a to
small classroom. Maybe they would feel better at arms distance and couldn´t pinch each other and go on their nerves? So, and now I will show you Canadian geese.

This then would be the new grass, two weeks old.

And here are the geese eating it


Doug The Una said...

I didn't know Canada geese were on both sides of the Atlantic. They used to honk at me when I walked to work in Atlanta, which really spoils the advantage of walking.

Gudridur said...

Hæ Sabina mín
Vona að þú sért að hressast.
Gaman að lesa bloggið hjá þér.

Bestu kveðjur frá öllum hér í Hamraskóla


Minka said...

how do you know they are Canadian?
They look japanese to me :)